Go nuts about your health!

If you avoid eating nuts, dried fruits and seeds you will be missing out on a major source of protein, minerals and antioxidant vitamins. They are amongst nature's richest and healthiest foods, offering significant health benefits. Nuts, dried fruits and Seeds should be eaten regularly. They contain high levels of essential fatty acids (EFAs), otherwise known as 'good' fats. They are a rich source of other nutrients, especially the amino acids necessary to produce complete and digestible protein and also contain Vitamins A, B, C and E as well as the minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, selenium and manganese. They are so rich in nutrients only a small amount is required each day. Dried fruits are excellent providers of energy, are low in fat and can be eaten on their own or combined in recipes. They are low on the glycaemic index (GI), which means they are absorbed slowly from the stomach into the bloodstream. They are excellent sources of minerals, being particularly high in iron, potassium and selenium, are high in fibre and Vitamin A and a good natural laxative. See the chart below for more detailed information on nutritional values of nuts, dried fruits and seeds.


Vitamin A

Vitamin A comes from plants and animals and is not stored in the body. Beta- Carotene is often termed as pro Vitamin A. Vitamin A helps benefit your vision, tissues, skin, teeth, hair, nails and bones in many ways. Products: papaya, tomatoes, peaches, apricots, mango, prunes,almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, pistachio, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and tomatoes.

Vitamin B-1 (Thiamin)

Thiamin is a water soluble vitamin, meaning any excess is excreted and not stored in the body. It is highly beneficial for the nervous system and one's mental disposition. It helps maintain healthy nerves and improve memory and mental clarity. Thiamin is also necessary to help convert carbohydrates in food to energy. Products: sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, peanuts, almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, walnuts, linseed and tomatoes.

Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin)

People have an increased need for Riboflavin during stressful situations and it is the most common vitamin deficiency. Its primary function is to work with other substances to metabolize carbohydrates, proteins, and fats for energy. It has a profound effect on thyroid hormone production, helps in the production of immune cells to fight infection, and aids in transporting oxygen to cells in the body. Products: almonds, cashews, hazelnuts and tomatoes.

Vitamin B-6

One of the more important vitamins, B-6 performs over 100 valuable functions for the body. According to an American survey, only 1/3 of adults and 1/2 of women get enough B-6 in their diet. B-6 helps convert amino acids into serotonin. It helps red blood cells, makes proteins, and manufactures brain chemicals. B-6 is believed to play a vital role in disease prevention and treatment. Products: prunes, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, linseed, cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios, walnuts and tomatoes.

Vitamin C

A potent antioxidant that may prevent premature death from heart disease and cancer. A vital protector of cells. Plays a primary role in collagen formation, which is essential for the growth and reparation of tissue cells, gums, blood vessels, teeth, and bones. Due to its mild antihistamine effects, Vitamin C also strengthens immunity and helps to minimize and/or prevent colds. Products: strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, mango, papaya, pineapple, brazil nuts, hazelnuts and tomatoes.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin that is stored in the liver. It is a potent antioxidant that help protects cell membranes from free radicals. Its benefits are enhanced when combined with selenium. It helps protect against cancer and cardiovascular disease. Vitamin E helps improve immune function and slows the aging process. Products: hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, almonds, peanuts, apricots, brazil nuts, brazil nuts, pine nuts and tomatoes.


Calcium is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth and in the human body. It plays important roles in signaling biochemical processes in cells, controlling muscle contractions, and building bones. Our skeletal system stores 99% of the body's Calcium while the remaining 1% floats in the blood stream. Calcium is integral in maintaining skeletal strength and providing structure to bones and teeth. It also plays a crucial role in the transmission of nerve impulses, muscle fibre contractions, and coagulation of blood. It is also essential to help heal wounds and maintain healthy cell membranes. Products: almonds, figs, sesame seeds, linseed, brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadania, pecans, peanuts, pine nuts, pistachio, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and walnuts.


Copper is the third most abundant trace mineral in the body. Copper serves an important role as a cofactor for enzymes involved in hemoglobin and collagen formation and is involved in incorporating iron into the structure of hemoglobin. Copper works in partnership with iron to make red blood cells and is the major component of the outer coating of nerve fibres and collagen. Products: peaches, prunes, sunflower seeds, almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia, pecans, peanuts, pine nuts, pistachio, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and tomatoes.


Magnesium is a mineral that is abundantly found in nature. The human body contains about 1 ounce of magnesium comprised mostly in the bones. It is one of the most important anti-aging minerals and aids in the absorption of Calcium and Vitamin C in the body. It helps convert blood sugar into energy and helps to regulate nerve and muscle functions. Products: peanuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, cashews, walnuts, brazil nuts, hazelnuts, macadamia, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, walnuts, dates, prunes, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, linseed and tomatoes.


Potassium is the third most abundant mineral in the body and is located inside muscle cells. Potassium is considered an electrolyte . It assists in muscle contractions and helps maintain the appropriate levels of fluid along with the proper electrolyte balance in cells. It is very important in maintaining a normal heartbeat and heart rhythm. Products: tomatoes, raisins, figs, prunes, sunflower seeds, pistachios, apricots, peaches, pumpkin seeds, linseed, almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia, pecans, peanuts, pine nuts, walnuts and tomatoes.


The second most abundant mineral in the body. Approximately 85% of all phosphorus is found in the bones. The remaining 15% is found in the blood and fluid in and around cells. The main use for phosphorous in the body is to aid in the strengthening of bones and teeth. However, phosphorus is used by almost every cell in the body. It is involved in almost all physiological chemical reactions in the body. Products: peanuts, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia, pecans, pistachio, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and tomatoes.


Selenium is a mineral and important nutrient that helps to fight heart disease and cancer. Selenium works best when paired with Vitamin E. Selenium is an antioxidant that helps slow down aging by oxidation. Approximately half of the body's selenium in males is found in the testes and the ducts surrounding the prostate gland. Selenium helps detoxify toxic metals in the body such as mercury and arsenic. Products: brazil nuts, sesame seeds, cashews, sunflower seeds, linseed, almonds, hazelnuts, macadamia, pecans, peanuts, pine nuts, pistachio and walnuts.


Zinc is probably the most versatile mineral in the body. It helps maintain a strong immune system to fight colds and flu, helps to heal wounds, fuels DNA production, and helps create the proper function of the male reproduction system. Products: sesame seeds, peanuts, pecans, cashews, sunflower seeds, peanuts, pine nuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, linseed, almonds, brazil nuts, hazelnuts, macadamia and pistachio.


Iron is one of the most essential minerals needed. It is present in every cell in the human body and is needed for the production of hemoglobin. Deficiencies in iron are common in women. Iron is very important to many immune system functions. Products: apricots, prunes, raisins, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pine nuts, pistachio, walnuts, peaches, sesame seeds, linseed, almonds, brazil nuts, pecans, peanuts and tomatoes.


Omega-3 is the name given to a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Omega-3 is comprised of 3 fatty acids ALA, EPA, and DHA. Scientists have concluded that the best source of these fatty acids is from food. Omega-3 fatty acids play an integral role in cardiovascular health and those who have cardiovascular disease. Omega-3 has also been shown to help lower triglycerides, slightly lower blood pressure, and decrease the growth of plaque in the heart arteries. Products: walnuts and linseed.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is found in plants and is produced in the body in the intestines. Vitamin K is used in the body to help control blood clotting and aids the protein found in the liver that controls the clotting. Vitamin K also plays a role in bone formation and repair. In the intestines, it helps assist in converting glucose to glycogen. Products: cashews, figs, peaches, pears, pumpkin seeds, hazelnuts, pine nuts and tomatoes.


Manganese is an antioxidant nutrient that is important in the breakdown of amino acids and the production of energy. Manganese is essential for the metabolism of Vitamin B-1 and E. It is also a catalyst in the breakdown of fats and cholesterol. Products: almonds, brazil nuts, hazelnuts, macadamia, peanuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, walnuts, figs, pears, pineapple, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, linseed and tomatoes.

Dried Fruit

Drying fruit is the oldest method of preserving it and is a convenient way to add sugar and fibre to a diet. Being lighter to carry than fresh fruits, with no messy juices or peelings, a handful of dried fruit can give an instant energy boost with an injection of vitamins and minerals too. To produce dried fruit, the water is removed from fully ripened fresh fruit, by circulating air around it, either naturally with sunshine and wind, or with the aid of hot air drying. The moisture content of the evaporated fruit is cut to about 20-25%. The nutritional value of food is only minimally affected by drying. However, dried fruit generally does not contain Vitamin D and only contains small amounts of Vitamin C.

  1. Drying concentrates the nutrients of the fresh fruit including protein, carbohydrate (in the form of natural fruit sugar), and dietary fibre
  2. Rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, and Pantothenic Acid
  3. An abundant source of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, copper and manganese
  4. Contains around 60-70% natural sugars which occur in an easily digestible form (Glucose and Fructose), and quickly enter the bloodstream giving instant energy
  5. Low in fat. While all dried fruit is good for you, dried plums (prunes) are antioxidant superstars, being among the highest fruits in total antioxidant activity. Antioxidants work to prevent cancer, heart disease, cataracts, and other diseases associated with ageing, by mopping up the free radicals that damage cells.


The apple is a good source of dietary fibre, providing you with nearly 20% of your needs for the day. Apples are a good source of the antioxidant Vitamin C that helps to maintain a healthy immune system. This powerful antioxidant aids in defending the body against damaging free radicals. Apples and apple products contain between 3% and 8% of the daily value for potassium. Consuming 3500 milligrams of this essential nutrient each day may help reduce high blood pressure.


Very rich in the antioxidant beta-carotene which is essential for growth, healthy hair, skin, bones, teeth and eyes. They are full of fibre and help maintain a healthy gut. Apricots contain calcium and magnesium.


Blackberries are very low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. They are a good source of folate, magnesium, potassium and copper. Blackberries are an excellent source of dietary fibre, vitamins C & K and manganese.


One of the few nutritional secrets agreed on by scientists and alternative health experts alike is that this blue fruit is unchallenged in its detoxing brilliance. Similar - but superior - to other dark-skinned berries such as strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and red & black grapes, blueberries contain high levels of bioflavinoids, which can help to fight the damage caused by overindulgence in processed foods and alcohol, and lack of sleep. Blueberries were one of only fourteen "superfoods" identified by Dr Steven Pratt in his 2004 best-selling book "SuperFoods Rx". He explained the concept of superfoods as:"some foods are better than others for your health". They are an excellent source of zinc and other antioxidants.


Thought to help with a wide range of conditions that affect the joints, including arthritis, gout and rheumatism.


Have anti-bacterial qualities which helps maintain urinary tract health.


A good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, niacin, pantothenic acid and biotin.


High in potassium and dietary fibre. They are also a good source of energy-boosting iron.


A good source of calcium.


Ginger root (Zingiber officinale) has also been classified as an aid to quit smoking. It has a soothing effect on the lining of the mucous membranes and helps prevent nausea.

Goji Berries

Contains 19 amino acids, the building blocks of protein including all eight that are essential for life, 21 trace minerals, including germanium, an anti-cancer trace mineral rarely found in foods. They have more protein than whole wheat (13 percent)and have a complete spectrum of antioxidant carotenoids, including beta-carotene (a better source than even carrots!) and zeaxanthin (protects the eyes). Goji berries are the richest source of carotenoids of all known foods. They contain Vitamin C at higher levels than even those found in oranges as well as the B-complex vitamins, necessary for converting food into energy. They contain Vitamin E (very rarely found in fruits, only in grains and seeds)and Beta-Sitosterol, an anti-inflammatory agent. Beta-Sitosterol also lowers cholesterol and has been used to treat sexual impotence and prostate enlargement. Gojis contain essential fatty acids, which are required for the body’s production of hormones and for the smooth functioning of the brain and nervous system. Also present is Cyperone, a sesquiterpene that benefits the heart and blood pressure, alleviates menstrual discomfort, and has been used in the treatment of cervical cancer and Solavetivone, a powerful anti-fungal and anti-bacterial compound. They also contain Physalin, a natural compound that is active against all major types of leukemia. It has been shown to increase splenic natural killer cell activity in normal and tumor-bearing mice, with broad-spectrum anti-cancer effect. It has also been used as a treatment for hepatitis B. Gojis contain Betaine, which is used by the liver to produce choline, a compound that calms nervousness, enhances memory, promotes muscle growth, and protects against fatty liver disease. Betaine also provides methyl groups in the body’s energy reactions and can help reduce levels of homocysteine, a prime risk factor in heart disease.It also protects DNA.


Not a fruit but a plant root/herb in its natural form, although we also sell a delicious soft processed liquorice. Liquorice has been used since ancient times as both a food and a medicine. Chinese herbal formulas nearly all contain the herb. It is one of the most biologically active foods known, boasting numerous health benefits that affect the immune, circulatory, renal, respiratory and endocrine systems.


Contains Vitamins C, A, folate potassium and fibre


The nutrients and fibre in papaya have shown to be helpful in the prevention of colon cancer.


Peaches offer a source of carbohydrates, protein, dietary fibre, vitamin C and vitamin A. This nutritious fruit also contains boron, known to boost estrogen levels in postmenopausal women, stimulate the brain, and aid in prevention of osteoporosis.


Pears offer a good source of vitamin C, folate, and dietary fibre. Providing some iron and potassium, Pears contain pectin, a soluble fibre that helps control cholesterol levels, and cellulose, an insoluble fibre that promotes normal bowel function.


A good source of manganese, thiamin and riboflavin.


Having twice the level of antioxidants of any other fruit or vegetable, prunes have the ability to eradicate damaging free radicals. They are high in fibre and make an excellent natural laxative.


Contain boran, iron and potassium, while their natural high sugar content makes them an ideal energy food.


The anti-oxidant phytonutrients in raspberries can help to improve learning capacity and motor skills.


The ellagitannin content of strawberries has been associated with helping prevent cancer.


Contain Vitamins B1 and B2, various minerals and are a good source of energy.


Tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin K. They are also a very good source of molybdenum, potassium, manganese, dietary fibre, chromium, and vitamin B1. In addition, tomatoes are a good source of vitamin B6, folate, copper, niacin, vitamin B2, magnesium, iron, pantothenic acid, phosphorous, vitamin E and protein.


About a decade ago, nuts gained a bad reputation for being calorie-dense and high in fat. However, research now shows that they offer an abundance of nutritional benefits and can be part of a healthy diet. They may help reduce the risk for chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer. The key is to enjoy nuts in small portions. One third of a cup of mixed nuts supplies about 270 calories and has about the same amount of protein as a 4 ounce portion of meat. It is also cholesterol-free. Nuts are a suitable substitute for animal protein when combined with grains and vegetables. Most of the fats in nuts are the really good heart-healthy kind: mono- or poly-unsaturated, rather than artery-clogging saturated fats. Unsaturated fats can help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels when combined with other healthy lifestyle approaches. Nuts are very satisfying, help you feel full longer and can help maintain a healthy weight. They are a great source of vitamins, minerals and fibre and are one of few foods rich in vitamin E, a heart-healthy antioxidant.


Rich in protein - weight for weight they contain nearly 75% more than eggs. They also have healthy amounts of essential micro-nutrients, including magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, phosphorous and copper, as well as Vitamin B2, miacin and the anti-oxidant Vitamin E, which can help fight cancer. In addition, they are particularly high in calcium - good for people who are lactose intolerant. Almonds can also help as part of a bone-boosting diet to beat osteoporosis. A 100g portion provides a third of the adult recommended daily requirement. Research in Canada found that people with high cholesterol who ate 25g (1oz) of almonds a day lowered their cholesterol by an average of 4%.

Brazil Nuts

One of the richest sources of selenium, a micro-nutrient essential for the immune system and with a number of potential anti-cancer properties. A study in the U.S. found that a supplement of 200mcg of selenium a day reduced cancer of the postrate, lung and colon by around 50%. Scientists from the University of Illinois also believe that selenium may protect women from developing breast cancer. Brazil Nuts are ideal for vegetarian and vegans since weight for weight they contact as much protein as eggs. They are an excellent source of phosphorous, which helps builds bones and teeth, and a rich source of magnesium, essential for the smooth operation of muscles and nerves. Brazil Nuts also contain linoleic acid, important for the skin and hormone balance.

Cacao Nibs

Made up of water, protein, fat, carbohydrate, fibre, iron, calcium, magnesium, B vitamins, Vitamin C , Vitamin E and at least 300 other identifiable chemical compounds with possibly up to 1,200 chemical constituents, Cacao is the most complex food substance on earth and cannot be synthesised by man. Cacao contains Serotonin, Tryptophan, Anandamide, Dopamine, PEA and MAO inhibitors which all have a positive effect on brain chemistry. Cacao beans have the highest anti-oxidant concentration of any food and are 500 times richer in anti-oxidants than blueberries with a flavonol anti-oxidant count of a whopping 10%!  Research has also shown that the anti-oxidants in Cacao are highly stable and easily available to the human body.

Cashew Nuts

High in protein and carbohydrate, 100g cashews contain 17.2g protein, 60 micrograms Vitamin A, 3.8mg iron.


Extremely rich in Vitamin E and monounsaturated fats, both of which can provide protection against cancer as well as looking after the skin, keeping wrinkles at bay. Rich in fibre, they help the digestive system too. Hazelnuts also contain plenty of Biotin, a B vitamin good for the hair and skin, Vitamin E, copper, magnesium, potassium, selenium and phosphorous, as well as iron, foliate and zinc.

Macadamia Nuts

Containing no cholesterol, the oils in the macadamia nuts contain over 75% monounsaturated fats, which can assist in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. They are a good source of protein, calcium, potassium and fibre and are low in sodium.


Eating 28g (1oz) of peanuts five or more times a week may help lower the risk of Type 2 diabetes in women, according to studies by the Harvard School of Public Health. Peanuts are high in unsaturated fat and magnesium, which decreases insulin resistance. Being rich in Omega-2 fats, peanuts maintain healthy cells and supple skin, as well as lowering total cholesterol in the blood. A study in the U.S. found a significant drop in heart disease in women aged between 34 to 59 who were eating a variety of nuts - particularly peanuts - five times a week. Peanuts are packed with nutrients including iron, zinc, Vitamin E, magnesium, folic acid and resveratrol, which is effective in fighting cancer-causing free radicals.

Pecan Nuts

Pecan nuts are 53% fat by weight yet they may reduce low density lipoprotein, a type of cholesterol associated with heart disease. More than half the fat in pecans are monounsaturated, which is believed to help some bad cholesterol levels and may also prevent blood clots, which can cause heart attacks or strokes. Pecans are a good source of fibre, Vitamin E - 100g provide more that the recommended daily allowance - copper and magnesium. They also contact zinc, good for the skin and essential for the reproductive and immune systems.


100g pine nuts contain 31g protein, the highest of the nuts and seeds.

Pistachio Nuts

Contain iron, folate, potassium, pantothenic acid, niacin, riboflavin and zinc. A 25g (1oz) serving supplies more than 10% of the daily value for dietary fibre, Vitamin B6, Thianin, magnesium, phosphorus and copper. They contain almost 60mg of plant sterols per ounce, which are believed to help reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers. Pistachios are also an excellent source of monounsaturated fats that help reduce bad cholesterol levels.


Tiger nuts are rich in minerals and vitamins, particularly phosphor,potassium and vitamins C and E.


When Dr Steven Pratt introduced the concept of Super Foods in his 2004 best-selling book,"Superfoods Rx", he explained the concept as "some foods are better than others for your health". Walnuts were identified as one of only fourteen "superfoods" because of their high omega-3 content, a distinction that makes walnuts unique among tree nuts and peanuts. Walnuts are the only nut that contain a significant amount of omega-3's. Walnuts are also known for their high antioxidant activity, a 2002 study conducted in Norway showed that walnuts rank second only to rose hips in their antioxidant content. "What's the single easiest, most delicious and health-promoting snack food on the planet? My vote goes to walnuts" Dr Steven G Pratt,MD. Scripps Memorial Hospital,. San Diego, CA.


A seed is packed with a wide range of nutrients and nature has assembled them in such a way that the seed itself can maintain the initial stages of growth of the plant that bore it. Therefore, they are rich in minerals that support growth, such as zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium and selenium. Seeds are also naturally gluten-free, have a good fibre content, and are a great source of protein that is not animal-derived. The essential fats in seeds are mostly of the omega 6 variety, although most do provide some omega 3, in addition to vitamin E, which is a potent antioxidant. The combination of fat and protein means that, as a food, seeds are broken down slowly, so they have a low score on the glycaemic index. Because the addition of protein will slow down the rate food breaks down, they are especially useful for snacks and as a way to add concentrated levels of nutrients to main meals. For example, sprinkling a tablespoon of seeds on a soup just before you eat it, or mixing it into a salad or in a sandwich, instantly improves the nutritional quality. Seeds are also great when added to smoothies, sneaking some into a home-made smoothie of fruits and yogurt is an excellent way to get children to have the omega fats that they need for growth and brain function. The ideal intake should be two heaped tablespoons per day. Seeds should be kept cool, away from direct sunlight.

Chia Seeds

Chia is grown commercially for its seed,a food that is very rich in omega 3 fatty acids since the seeds yield 25-30% extractable oil, mostly a-linolenic acid (ALA). It also is a source of antioxidants and a variety of amino acids. Chia seeds typically small ovals with a diameter of about 1 mm (0.039 in). They are mottle-colored with brown, gray, black and white. Chia seeds typically contain 20% protein 34%oil, 25% dietry fibre (mostly soluble with high molecular weight), and significant levels of antioxidants(chlorogenic and caffeic acids, myricetin quercetin and kaempferol flavonols). The oil from chia seeds contains a very high concentration of omega-3 fatty acid —approximately 64% Chia seeds contain no gluten and trace levels of sodium. Chia seed is traditionally consumed in Mexico, and the southwestern United States, but is not widely known in Europe.


Contain large amounts of Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids. They are also a rich source of lechithin and contain fibre and mucilage, a natural laxative.

Pumpkin Seeds

Highly nutritious and packed full of protein, iron, zinc and phospherous. They are also a good source of potassium and calcium.

Sesame Seeds

A good source of zinc, manganese, copper, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, Vitamin B and dietary fibre.

Sunflower Seeds

Packed with magnesium, iron, copper and protein, Vitamin B complex, Omega-6 essential fatty acids (EFA), zinc and iron. Sunflower Seeds are an excellent source of protein.

Pumpkin Seeds

Highly nutritious and packed full of protein, iron, zinc and phospherous. They are also a good source of potassium and calcium.


Barley Grass Powder

Barley Grass Powder contains the minerals potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, manganese and zinc as well as the vitamins B1, B2, B6, C and folic acid

Maca Powder

Maca Powder contains amino acids, alanine, arginine, asparagine, aspartic acid, glycine, hydroxyproline, isoleucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, praline, serine, threonine, tyrosine, valine, calcium, copper, iron, potassium, zinc.

Wheatgrass powder

Wheatgrass Powder contains the minerals iron, calcium, potassium, sodium (trace) and the Vitamins A, C.

Mesquite Powder

The nutritional profile for 100g Mesquite Powder is:

Protein 16 g,  fat 3.4 g, energy 380 calories, fibre 36 g
minerals, barium 3.7 mg, boron 3.2 mg, calcium 520 mg, chromium 0.12 mg, cobalt 0.03mg, copper 0.8 mg, iron 18 mg, magnesium 140 mg, manganese 2.3 mg, molybdenum 0.05 mg, phosphorus 215 mg, potassium 1712 mg, sodium 12 pmg, sulphur 222 mg, zinc 3.0 mg.

Cacao Nibs

Raw Cacao contains over 300 identifiable chemical compounds, and is high in magnesium, iron, chromium, tryptophan, and antioxidants. It also contains PEA and anandamide, dopamine and serotonin.

Hemp Protein Powder

The nutritional profile for 30g of Hemp Protein Powder serving:

Total fat 6g 9%, saturated fat 0.6g 3%, monounsaturated fat 0.9g, polyunsaturated fat 1g, trans fat 0g, cholesterol 0mg, sodium 15mg 1%, total carbohydrate 5g 2%, dietary fibre 4g 16%, sugars 1g, protein 15g 30%, iron 4%, vitamin C 1%.   

Chia Seeds

The nutritional profile for 20g of Chia Seeds is:

Calories (Kcal) 66, protein 4.14g, total fat 6.56g, saturated fat 0.64g, trans fat 0, monounsaturated fat 0.44g, polyunsaturated fat 5.44g, omega-3 (ALA) 4.2g, omega-6 (linoleic acid) 1.24g, cholesterol 0mg,carbohydrates 7.5g, total dietary fibre 8.25g, soluble 1.07g, insoluble 7.18g, sodium 0.42g, potassium 140mg, calcium 142.8mg, iron 3.28mg, phosphorus 213.4mg, magnesium 78mg.